Podcast Appearances
I have been asked by the lovely Eileen Burns to co host series 1 of her new 'Wounded Healer to Hero Podcast'
In it we discuss all matters connected to spiritual development through the lens of Archetypes, especially the Wounded Healer with a little bit of the Scapegoat Archetype thrown in for good measure
We talk about our own experiences of walking on the pathway of the Hero's Journey', the good, the bad and the ugly so tune in and enjoy
Unlocking The Wounded Healer's Awakening - Eileen Burns & Caroline Tobin
In this short introductory podcast we discuss our personal experiences with the wounded healer to hero's journey
Episode 1 - Series 1
Pain To Power: The Wounded Healer's Journey
In this week's podcast, Eileen & Caroline discuss the challenges and gifts of the wounded healer's path and how embracing your light and shadow traits can lead to healing and transformation.
Exploring the journey of healing through suffering, pain, awakening, humbleness and openness.
They talk about why the wounded healer's journey and akckowledeg that is not for the faint hearted as it requires the ability to face your deepest shadows, harness your skills, give over your need to fix others.
They also discuss common shadow traits of the wounded healer, and modern healers today and the problems with healers who enter the spiritual industry just to make money, but lack true dedication, integrity and purpose.
Lastly they bring up the topic of naive or narcissistic healer in todays's spiritual communities.
Episode 2 - Series 1
Unlocking The Heart And Soul Of The Alchemist Archetype
In this week's podcast Eileen and Caroline discuss the light and shadow traits of the alchemist and dark magician archetype in the healers journey and hero's journey.
Looking at how the illusion of the dark magician has put the world under a spell. Wants to keep humanity disempowered and in the dark. And its seductive traits and temptations of the alchemist and magician that are very prominent in the world today.
How the dark side of the magician and alchemist can show up in the spiritual industry where one is motivated by ego, power, service to self.
Understanding the spiritual alchemist journey, the healers journey and hero's journey through transformation and the eyes and soul of the divine child.
Episode 3 - Series 1
Being An Authentic Hero In A Polarised World
In this week's episode Eileen & Caroline discuss the difficult challenges we face on the spiritual hero's journey,
One of becoming more of our authentic self in such a distorted and polarised world.
We share some of our own personal experiences on the healers and hero's path at this profound time of spiritual awakening on the planet.
The strength and power that is coming through the spiritual collective as more and more people are waking up tapping into their Hero Archetype becoming their own Spiritual Hero.
Through their spiritual awakening, deeper spiritual connection, and power of God's grace, we become more and more of our true authentic selves.
Episode 4 - Series 1
The Discerning Scapegoat
In this episode, we explore the concept of spiritual discernment through The Scapegoat Archetype
Caroline talks about where the historical ancient roots of this archetype comes from and how it shows up in our current lives, in the collective, and in relation to psychopathic leaders.
Discover how shadow work, the divine child, and spiritual awakening play a role in recognising and dealing with covert narcissists at a collective level.
We talk about the importance of accessing the gifts of this archetype so that you are no longer gaslit into taking the blame for everything but instead be the natural born truth teller that you are
Episode 5 - Series 1
The Dangers of a Tyrant King
Caroline and Eileen discuss the dangers of a tyrant king in the final episode of series one of The Wounded Healer Podcast.
They explore how the shadow aspects of this archetype are connected to manipulation, control, and the hunger for power.
`This epsiode also covers the different types of gaslighting and inversion that this archetypenuses as well as the importance of wisdom and discernment when selecting a leader or teacher for yourself.
They also discuss the shifts of consciousness happening in the world today that have led to individuals who never saw themselves as leaders becoming benevolent kings who lead with both their minds and hearts.