Booking Your Service
1 hr
80 British pounds1 hr 15 min
105 British pounds30 min
1 hr
80 British pounds1 hr 30 min
120 British pounds
Disclaimer, Refunds, Terms and Conditions.
Caroline Tobin endeavours to offer a high level of integrity and accuracy in her readings and in the interpretation of the spiritual messages she receives from your loved ones and/or her Spiritual Guides. However, please understand that YOU and YOU alone are responsible for creating your life path, future and destiny. As part of your soul’s contract you have freewill to make your own choices and those decisions will influence what is manifested within your life; therefore any information or claims given within the reading cannot be guaranteed.
You confirm that you are over the age of 18 and are not aware of any medical condition or psychiatric condition which might affect the interpretation of your reading with me.
You also confirm that you understand that all readings and services are for educational, spiritual, inspirational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to, nor should it ever, take the place of any medical, legal, financial, psychological or any other professional advise.
All information discussed within any services is private and confidential.