The Discerning Scapegoat Presents
The Sacred Seer Course

Course Content
Week One
During this class we will examine and work with the Divine Child Archetype
Week Five
During this class we will examine and work with the Vampire and Empath Archetypes
Week Two
During this class we will examine and work with the Seer and Oracle Archetypes
Week Six
During this class we will examine the alchemical tension between opposites and The Shaman Archetype
Week Three
During this class we will examine and work with the Scapegoat and Narcissist Archetypes
Week Seven
During this class we will examine the alchemical marriage of opposites and The Shaman Archetype. We will also discuss psychic self defense
Week Four
During this class we will examine and work with the Magician and Alchemist Archetype
New Monthly Circle
This circle endevours to train those with extra sensory gifts to a high and embodied standard so they can be of service to others
Starts September 2024