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Bespoke Meditations

Caroline Tobin Medium Psychic Ives Cambridgeshire Divinity Within Mmeditations

Divinity Within - Bespoke Meditations

During these highly personalised meditations, I will create a soft, loving and sacred space for you to kickback and relax. With the help of my Higher Self and my Spirit Guides, inspired words flow through me as I connect deeply with your energetic systems.


Using my mediumistic skills, I often sense emotional, physical and/or mental blockages within your aura, meridians and chakra system and direct the healing energy to that point for release. As the energy continues to flow and deepen, you may perceive a deep sense of healing within your mind, body and soul.


It has often been reported that a very loving and nurturing sensation is experienced during these sessions and a sense of wellbeing, relaxation and deep healing may occur. 

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